Monday, August 31, 2009

Word of the week: ALBEIT

M-W Main Entry: al·be·it
Pronunciation: \ol-ˈbē-ət, al-\
Function: conjunction
Etymology: Middle English, literally, all though it be
Date: 14th century
: conceding the fact that : even though : although

Usage notes:
Unlike although, which can introduce a noun phrase, adjective phrase, or subordinate clause, albeit can introduce only a noun phrase or adjective phrase but not a subordinate clause.

2001: Eoin Colfer, Artemis Fowl, p92
The stranger had crossed a sacred line. He had mentioned the men’s mothers. Nothing could get him out of a beating now, even the fact that he was obviously a simpleton. Albeit a simpleton with a good vocabulary.

So you see, this is a very easy word to use, and may be used to not only introduce a phrase, but a witty phrase at that!

Let Dana and Carmen know how you use the word of the week.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Please choose carefully

Would you wear a purple and pink polka dot shirt with green and yellow striped pants? Probably not. You'd choose your clothes more carefully than that. Would you wear a ball gown to play in a baseball game? No, there is a uniform for that. Would a firefighter enter a burning house in a bathing suit and flip-flops? I think you already know the answer.

We are very deliberate when we choose our clothing, and I am very guilty of not being as choosy when I speak. Words are VERY powerful. How did God create? Words. Presidents are elected based on what they say. There are classes you can take that will teach you which words to use and not to use on a resume. But those are all very narrow examples.

Certain studies indicate the average persons speaks about 16,000 words a day. WOW. And most with no thought whatsoever. Remember Don Imus' comment? He made a throw-away comment, offended the feelings of an entire women's college basketball team and put civil rights back about 50 years.

Now, read the last paragraph again and tell me what information you glean. There is fact, opinion, emotion, speculation...Very rarely is anyone without an opinion and it is common thinking that the world is entitled to hear their opinion.

Look at the attached pictures and save them to the folders of your mind. The next time you open your mouth, regardless of the audience, decide which picture your words most represent. Then do us all a favor and act accordingly.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Revitalize! Resurrect! Rekindle! Rejuvenate!

Dana and Carmen think too many very descriptive and beautiful words are no longer being used as often as they should. Daytona Beach, Florida provided the perfect inspiration for this renewed interest in what are quickly becoming words of the past.

Do your part! Introduce yourself to these words, get to know them and their essence and incorporate them into your everyday conversation.

Have fun!