Friday, March 19, 2010


Harbinger = sign of things to come

I love this time of year. Everyone is very tired of the dull, gray days of winter and ready for spring. Before even one bud blooms, you can hear spring peepers. These little angels are truly "harbingers of spring".

These darlings can be as small as less than an inch and grow to a robust 1.5 inches. Their collective chorus sounds like sleigh bells. When I hear the peepers, I know that spring is just around the corner, when it's time to open windows and put away the woolens.

What is your harbinger of spring?


c.1471, herbengar "one sent ahead to arrange lodgings" (for a monarch, an army, etc.), alt. of M.E. herberger "provider of shelter, innkeeper" (c.1175), from O.Fr. herbergeor, from herbergier "provide lodging," from herber "lodging, shelter," from Frank. *heriberga "lodging, inn" (cf. O.S., O.H.G. heriberga "army shelter," from heri "army" + berga "shelter"); see harbor. Sense of "forerunner" is 1550. Intrusive -n- is 15c.

1 comment:

  1. My harbinger of spring is the sunshine beckoning me and a good book to my hammock out back...
