Friday, November 18, 2011


\me-ˈli-flə-wəs, mə-\

1: having a smooth rich flow
2: filled with something (as honey) that sweetens

Middle English mellyfluous, from Late Latin mellifluus, from Latin mell-, mel honey + fluere to flow; akin to Gothic milith honey, Greek melit-, meli

First Known Use: 15th century

My husband heard this word yesterday on NPR while listening to a story about a man's speech. Before I looked up the word, I thought it may be a negative term, but it is quite complimentary. Another very descriptive word for you to add to your vocabulary!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


\ˈin(t)-su-lər, -syu-, ˈin-shə-lər\
1a : of, relating to, or constituting an island b : dwelling or situated on an island

2: characteristic of an isolated people; especially : being, having, or reflecting a narrow provincial viewpoint
3: of or relating to an island of cells or tissue

Late Latin insularis, from Latin insula island

First Known Use: 1611

The 2011 National Book Award winners were announced. The awards are long considered to be insular, and this year was no exception. In this case, I would prefer this definition: ; standing alone; isolated. While I don't think some mainstream books deserve an award, it would be nice for more popular authors and titles to be considered. It seems that they can't win unless they lack an audience.