Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Kindergarten Debacles

This weekend, a friend used an excellent word in one of our conversations: debacle. Naturally, this brought to mind That’s Uncanny, and the need for a new post.

Debacle (diˈbakəl) is defined as a sudden and ignominious failure. Synonyms include fiasco, catastrophe, disaster, and defeat. In a more informal sense the word can be used to describe a foul-up, botch, snafu.

Now, in my line of work, molehills are often made into mountains, and minor offenses in the eyes of a 5-year-old can be made into true debacles. We all know that “tattling” is a favorite hobby of these precious little ones, but it is NOT my favorite part of my job. In order to abate the urges to pull out my hair, which are spurred on by frequent “tattles,” I have placed a tattle book in my classroom. When children have the need to tattle, instead of coming to the nearest adult (always me), they are to write an entry in the tattle book. This turns tattling into something that I can actually enjoy! I’ve had many laughs as I have read the “debacles of a 5-year-old” in his or her own words in our tattle book. Below are some of my favorites, written just as the kids have worded and spelled (tip- read everything the way it sounds). Names have been changed to protect the guilty.

“The boos chratid sille bans at PE”

“Andrew wus chas me and I hav sec throt so win er I op my math it will hrt”

“Payton and Timothy wur yeling in the bathroom”

“Kimberly tadol”

“Hayley hit me with a pin sool”

“John om most hit me”

“Hannah and Kelsey wous bragon”

“Heather sed th silly band stec”

“Chad Jeremy wr telegus we wur chedeg.”

“Mark lookt in the grls bathroom”

“Kacey wos trig to tell me wot to do”

“Sam and Jennifer wer brping at lunch”

“Adam brot a hol mil” (This was written when a little boy brought a Lunchable for snack.)

“Alex sed the smel wuz me”

“Jeremy cold Maddie a liyer”

“Robert wus playing in the hall an stept on my show on prpis”

“Caleb calld my bruther puck” (Caleb called my brother puke.)

“Brody cold Jason stoopid”

“Billy and Josie wer shering food”

“Wes wus slemen the dos”

“Kelly jry on my papr”

Welcome to true debacles in my world!

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