Thursday, October 29, 2009

How very odd...

I remember a skit on Saturday Night Live where a secretary was completely unimpressed with everyone who walked into the office or called.
"And you are....?"
"And you want....?"
"And you think you can see him because....?"
I always thought that was so funny. UNTIL it happened to me.
You see, I have always been able to endear myself to the office staff of the primary, elementary and junior high schools here. I chit-chat with them, bring them lunch, give them little treats throughout the year. There is always a very good rapport. The high school is different! The lady at the front desk has no time, desire or inclination to be my buddy. It is totally new ground for me! I am NOTHING to her and she has no idea who my child is!!
I would grudgingly consider myself a wee bit of a sycophant with these ladies. After all, if I have to buy their mind share for the betterment of my child, I am up to it. It's not always money, but the simple acknowledgement that theirs is many times a thankless job. That goes a long way. Well, except at the high school. She is all business.
"What can I do for you?"
"And your child's name is.....?"
And you are here why.....?"
It's enough to alarm a sycophant!

1 comment:

  1. A little scary but thank you for the heads up! There aren't that many kids at the high school. It is a shame that she doesn't enjoy her job more.
