Friday, October 23, 2009

Want to learn new words? READ!

While on vacation last week, I read the most beautiful book, "One Thousand White Women" by Jim Fergus. It's not that the writing of the story is lyrical. It's not that the characters are particularly memorable. It's not that it contained a great life lesson.

It was the feeling created through the author's use of the language. The words Fergus used are, at times, beautiful. Reading them made me pause, reread the text and smile. He used words that I have not uttered in a while, and have heard even less. Beautiful, descriptive and fully dimensional words.

I will add to our word list based on this book. I let my mother borrow it, and I long see it return, to go through its pages again. The very reason I read is alive in this book. To escape to another place, meet new people, try new things, gain new perspective, come away satisfied.

Jim Fergus has fed this weary traveler a hot, hearty stew on a cold winter evening.

Read, followers, READ!

1 comment:

  1. It warms MY heart to know you loved it like I did. For all the same reasons. I WANTED these characters to be real. I believed they were because he was able to completely immerse me in the pages of the story. I'll never understand people who don't read!
